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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Au Yeung

What should we eat for dinner?

Updated: Jan 30, 2019

In a world of infinite choices (or so it feels), one question that seems to come up over and over again is "What should we eat for dinner?" Answer: "I don't know. Let's Yelp something."

Personally, I've done this several times. Today with all the technology, pings, and beeps we get, it's hard to stay focused long enough to figure out what's for dinner. This leads me to ask myself "What is it that I want in my life?" OMG, such a daunting question and we avoid thinking about this because it seems so HUGE and overwhelming.

But one of the consequences of not taking time to put this on our radars, is that we live a life without direction - spending 40+ hours of our lives at a job we may or may not like, doing things that our friends are doing because it's the "cool" thing, following the latest trends. Then one day we wake up on our death beds wondering what kind of life did I live?

What if....

You could wake up everyday with a clear purpose and direction?

What if.....

You worked for a purpose and not just the pay check to take you out to the next happy hour?

What if.....

You were not afraid of making the wrong decisions?


Take a moment away from all the pings & beeps to reflect on what is it that you truly want.

Go on - put your phone down....go write down what you want for yourself and then post it EVERYWHERE.

If you don't know...then feel free to reach out and schedule a curiosity session to explore if coaching can help you get clear.

If you do know, feel free to share in the comments, I would love to hear what you all come up with, your share may inspire someone else.

More to come!

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